This article provides useful information for any pilot visiting the Czechia or Slovakia Republic.
RocketRoute provides a wealth of aviation planning content on the region. In particular we provide VFR Airport Plates from the leading authority Avoin. This covers all the VFR airports in the two countries.
Members can purchase a 12 month subscription, including all updates during the license period.
Visit our Shop and select the Czechia and Slovakia VFR Plates to add to your membership today.
In total there are 219 airports and currently 220 documents covering essential VFR procedures.
Perfect for operators flying in the region, domestic and visiting pilots.
Boleradice VFR | Košice u Tábora VFR | LKPR Praha Ruzyně VFR |
Bořitov VFR | Částkovice VFR | LKPS Plasy VFR |
Buranos Aires VFR | Bojkovice VFR | LKRA Raná VFR |
Bynovec VFR | Zvole Western VFR | LKRK Rakovník VFR |
Ramš VFR | Šumvald VFR | LKRO Roudnice VFR |
Česká Třebová VFR | Kraví Hora VFR | LKRY Rokycany VFR |
Český Dub VFR | Všeň VFR | LKSA Staňkov VFR |
Dačice VFR | LKBA Břeclav VFR | LKSB Stichovice VFR |
Dětřichov Oáza VFR | LKBE Benešov VFR | LKSK Skuteč VFR |
Chabeřice VFR | LKBO Bohuňovice VFR | LKSN Slaný VFR |
Choteč VFR | LKBR Broumov VFR | LKSO Soběslav VFR |
Jehnědí VFR | LKBU Bubovice VFR | Zlín Štípa VFR |
Kotvrdovice VFR | LKCB Cheb VFR | LKSR Strunkovice VFR |
Radovesice VFR | LKCE Česká Lípa VFR | LKST Strakonice VFR |
Veselí u Přelouče VFR | LKCH Chomutov VFR | LKSU Šumperk VFR |
Dolní Rožínka VFR | LKCM Medlánky VFR | LKSZ Sazená VFR |
Loučeň VFR | LKCO Choceň VFR | LKTA Tábor VFR |
Kvasiny VFR | LKCR Chrudim VFR | LKTB Brno Tuřany VFR |
Nová Včelnice VFR | LKCS České Budějovice VFR | LKTC Praha Točná VFR |
Praha Jeneč VFR | LKCT Chotěboř VFR | LKTD Tachov VFR |
Slezská Harta VFR | LKCV Čáslav VFR | LKTO Toužim VFR |
Želeč VFR | LKDK Dvůr Králové VFR | LKUL Ústí nad Labem VFR |
Velké Pavlovice VFR | LKER Erpužice VFR | LKUO Ústí nad Orlicí VFR |
Hať u Hlučína VFR | LKFR Frýdlant VFR | LKVL Vlašim VFR |
Sedliště VFR | LKHB Havlíčkův Brod VFR | LKVM Vysoké Mýto VFR |
Hatě Excalibur VFR | LKHC Hořice VFR | LKVO Vodochody VFR |
Záhoří VFR | LKHD Hodkovice VFR | LKVP Velké Poříčí VFR |
Kunětice VFR | LKHK Hradec Králové VFR | LKVR Vrchlabí VFR |
Charvátce VFR | LKHN Hranice VFR | LKVY Vyškov VFR |
Letovice VFR | LKHR Hradčany VFR | LKZA Zábřeh VFR |
Lomnice nad Popelkou VFR | LKHS Hosín VFR | LKZB Zbraslavice VFR |
Miroslav VFR | LKHV Hořovice VFR | LKZD Žatec Macerka VFR |
Miroslav AirCon VFR | LKJA Jaroměř VFR | LKZM Žamberk VFR |
Střemy VFR | LKJC Jičín VFR | LKZN Znojmo VFR |
Náchod VFR | LKJH Jindřichův Hradec VFR | Sládkovičovo VFR |
Opava VFR | LKJI Jihlava VFR | Trnava Kopánka VFR |
Plešnice VFR | LKKA Křižanov VFR | Dunajská Streda VFR |
Rohozec VFR | LKKB Praha Kbely VFR | Kamenný Most VFR |
Říčany VFR | LKKC Kříženec VFR | Želiezovce VFR |
Sázava VFR | LKKL Kladno VFR | Dobrá Niva VFR |
Slušovice VFR | LKKM Kroměříž VFR | Malý Madaras VFR |
Kramolín VFR | LKKO Kolín VFR | Veľká Ida VFR |
Chotěšov VFR | LKKR Krnov VFR | LZBD Bidovce VFR |
Trutnov VFR | LKKT Klatovy VFR | LZDB Dubnica nad Váhom VFR |
Teplice VFR | LKKU Kunovice VFR | LZDV Dubová VFR |
Třebíč VFR | LKKV Karlovy Vary VFR | LZHL Holíč VFR |
Osičiny VFR | LKKY Kyjov VFR | LZIB Bratislava VFR |
Místek VFR | LKLB Liberec VFR | LZJS Jasna VFR |
Dušníky VFR | LKLN Plzeň Líně VFR | LZKC Kamenica nad Cirochou VFR |
Borek VFR | LKLT Praha Letňany VFR | LZKS Kráľová VFR |
Ostrov VFR | LKMB Mladá Boleslav VFR | LZKZ Košice VFR |
Jiřičky VFR | LKMH Mnichovo Hradiště VFR | LZLU Lučenec VFR |
Litoměřice VFR | LKMI Mikulovice VFR | LZMA Martin VFR |
Frymburk VFR | LKMK Moravská Třebová VFR | LZMC Malacky VFR |
Chřibská VFR | LKML Milovice VFR | LZNI Nitra VFR |
Polepy VFR | LKMO Most VFR | LZNZ Nové Zámky VFR |
Štětí VFR | LKMR Mariánské Lázně VFR | LZOC Očová VFR |
Strážnice VFR | LKMT Ostrava Mošnov VFR | LZPE Prievidza VFR |
Druzcov U lípy VFR | LKNA Náměšť VFR | LZPP Piešťany VFR |
Borovník VFR | LKNM Nové Město VFR | LZPT Malé Bielice VFR |
Bystřice nad Pernštejnem VFR | LKNY Nymburk VFR | LZPW Prešov VFR |
Pěnčín VFR | LKOL Olomouc VFR | LZRU Ružomberok VFR |
Třeboň Dvorce VFR | LKOT Otrokovice VFR | LZRY Ražňany VFR |
Škudly VFR | LKPA Polička VFR | LZSE Senica VFR |
Boršice VFR | LKPC Panenský Týnec VFR | LZSK Svidník VFR |
Kaplice VFR | LKPD Pardubice VFR | LZSL Sliač VFR |
Moravský Beroun VFR | LKPI Přibyslav VFR | LZSV Spišská Nová Ves VFR |
Trnávka VFR | LKPJ Prostějov VFR | LZSY Šurany Kopec VFR |
Sazomín VFR | LKPK Písek VFR | LZTN Trenčín VFR |
Doudleby VFR | LKPL Letkov VFR | LZTR Trnava VFR |
Studenec VFR | LKPM Příbram VFR | LZTT Poprad Tatry VFR |
Horní Počaply VFR | LKPN Podhořany VFR | LZZI Žilina VFR |
Vrátkov VFR | LKPO Přerov VFR |
For members interested in adding our VFR Airport Plates. These can be purchase by clicking the icons below.
Example pages from the Directory.
Czechia has many beautiful areas and places of interest that would be a delight to fly to and to discover. The region is generally composed of rolling hills and some mountainous areas (Elbe Sandstone Mountains, Lusatian Mountains, Moravian-Silesian Beskids, Ore Mountains, Silesian Beskids, Sudetes).
Bohemia in the west consists of rolling plains, hills, and plateaus surrounded by low mountains; Moravia in the east consists of larger ranges of continuous hills.
The Slovak landscape is noted primarily for its mountainous nature, with the Carpathian Mountains extending across most of the northern half of the country.
Among these mountain ranges are the high peaks of the Fatra-Tatra Area (including Tatra mountains, Greater Fatra and Lesser Fatra), Slovak Ore Mountains, Slovak Central Mountains or Beskids. The largest lowland is the fertile Danubian Lowland in the southwest, followed by the Eastern Slovak Lowland in the southeast.
It will be definitely interesting to fly over the magnificent Czechia and Slovak landscapes, that is why pilots will find VFR Czechia and Slovakia Plates package supplied by Databaze letist (Aerodrome Database) extremely useful . This package provide pilots flying VFR with all the necessary charts, including 219 aerodrome charts in the Czechia and Slovak Republics .
It would be a great pity to only stay in magical Prague. Discover other regions, which hide countless gems of history. A total of 12 of them have been included in the UNESCO world heritage list. Set out for example to the fairytale Český Krumlov with its wonderfully preserved historical centre. You can get a feel for the true magnificence of the Gothic in Kutná Hora. The little town of Telč with its charming square will surely give you the feeling of being in one of the fairy tales of Hans Christian Andersen. You can enjoy the harmony of superb architecture and nature in the gardens in the city of Kroměříž or in the Lednice – Valtice Complex, which is known as the Garden of Europe due to its magnificence. You can also get to know the unique mysticism of the place in the Church of St. John of Nepomuk at Zelená hora shrouded in many legends. Make sure not to miss out one of the most beautiful Czechia villages, Holašovice, the gem of modern architecture that is Villa Tugendhat in Brno, the monumental Holy Trinity Column in historical Olomouc, the beautiful chateau in Litomyšl or the Třebíč Ghetto, which is the only Jewish monument to be included on the prestigious UNESCO list outside of the state of Israel.
Do you like architecture? Then you need to visit Prague, literally a living textbook of architecture, where you will find diverse styles - Romanesque, Gothic, Baroque, Renaissance, Cubism and Functionalism.
Here is the list of VFR Prague airports: Praha Jeneč, Praha Ruzyně (LKPR), Praha Točná (LKTC), Praha Kbely (LKKB), Praha Letňany (LKLT).
Airport Data: International, Heliport, Prague 10km (6miles), Position 50°06´03"N, 014°15´36"E, Elevation 380m (1 246ft), 24 hours, 3 Passenger Terminals, 2 Cargo Terminals, 98 Aircraft Stands.
Václav Havel Airport Prague (Czechia: Letiště Václava Havla Praha), formerly Prague Ruzyně International Airport is the international airport of Prague, the capital of Czechia. Prague Ruzyně Airport is a coordinated airport. You will need to pass the passport and custom controls there. You can get jet fuel there.
Radio communication frequencies for this airport:
APP: 120.525 MHz (PRAHA APP)
ATIS: 122.15 MHz
CLD: 120.05 MHz (CLNC DEL)
GND: 121.9 MHz
INFO: 118.3 MHz
RDR: 119 MHz (RADAR)
TWR: 118.1 MHz
Prague Airport, Czechia, K letisti 1019/6, CZ-161 00 Praha 6, Czechia
Tel: +420 2 2011 1840, +420 2 2011 2343
Fax: +420 2 2011 1954
Customs Tel: +420 2 2011 3103
Fax: +420 2 6609 0997
Customs Hours: 24 hours
Airfield Data: 3 Runways, Fire Category 9
Emergency Services: Rescue and Fire fighting services of Czechia Airports Authority
Navigational Aids: Air navigation Services C R
Airfield Restrictions: Runway system preference (AD2-LKPR-19-AIP C R)
Aircraft Maintenance: Repair facilities for visiting aircraft, CSA Maintenance
Runway 1: Heading 06/24, 3 715m (12 188ft), PCN 62/R/B/X/T, ICAO Cat. 4E, Rwy 06, ILS 111, 15, Lighting: Approach Cat I 420m LIH, PAPI, Rwy 24, ILS 109, 10, Lighting: Approach Cat III 900m LIH, PAPI, TDZ, RCLL.
Runway 2: Heading 13/31, 3 250m (10 662ft), PCN 40/R/C/X/T, ICAO Cat. 4E, Rwy 13, No ILS, Lighting: SALS 300m LIM, Rwy 31, ILS 109, 50, Lighting: Approach Cat I 900m LIH, PAPI, TDZ, seq flash.
Runway 3: Heading 04/22, 2 120m (6 955ft), PCN 45/F/B/X/T, ICAO Cat. 4C, Restrictions: closed for takeoffs/landings.
If you like when nature is wonderfully combined with architecture, then you need to visit Kroměříž.
It would be definitely interesting to fly over this city, as the most preserved Baroque garden can be seen from a bird's-eye view. The nearest VFR airport to Kroměříž is LKTB Brno Tuřany. This airport has international flights from Brno, Czechia Republic and is 64 km from the center of Kroměříž.
Brno Airport, Czechia, CZ-62700 Brno 27, Czechia
Tel: (Admin) +420 5 4552 1111
Tel: (Handling) +420 5 4552 1310-12
Airport Data: International, Heliport, Brno 8km (4miles), Position 49°09´05"N, 016°41´40"E, Elevation 237m (777ft), 24 hours, 1 Passenger Terminal, 13 Aircraft Stands. You can refuel with Avgas and jet fuel there.
Radio communication frequencies for this airport:
BRNO Approach:119.90
BRNO Approach:120.55
TURANY Ground Control:125.42
TURANY Tower:119.60
Customs Tel: +420 5 4552 1209
Fax: +420 5 4552 1204
Customs Hours: 24 hours
Airfield Data: Fire Category 6
Navigational Aids: VOR, DME, ILS
Airfield Restrictions: None
Noise Restrictions: None
Aircraft Maintenance: None
Runway 1: Heading 10/28, 2 650m (8 694ft), 048/R/A/X/T, ICAO Cat. 1, Aircraft size max: B747, AN124, ILS CAT I, Rwy 10, Lighting: SALS 420m, PAPI, Rwy 28, Lighting: PALS Cat 1.
Do you like beer? Then you have to visit the main Czechia city of beer – Pilsen.
Pilsen is the 4th largest city in Czechia and is an ideal place to spend a pleasant weekend. The city is situated about 85 km SW from Prague. It has about 200.000 citizens, many sights, newly reconstructed old main square with a big church, many restaurants, hotels, university, great night life and of course an airport. More precisely two airports: an old military airport – Line (LKLN) and GA airport – Letkov (LKPL).
For Pilsen we recommend to use the Line airport. Usually, the air traffic is very light there, there are no problems with any unnecessary difficult VFR arrival or approach and appropriate charts, landing fees are reasonably priced and they have pleasant English speaking ATC.
Coordinates: N49°40.52' / E13°16.47'
Elevation is 1188.0 feet MSL.
Magnetic Variation is 3° East
Runway 06/24:
Dimensions: 4757 x 197 feet / 1450 x 60 meters
Surface: Hard
Runway 06:
Coordinates: N49°40.31' / E13°15.96'. Elevation: 1175. Runway heading: 055°
Runway 24:
Coordinates: N49°40.72' / E13°16.98'. Elevation: 1188. Runway heading: 235°
Letkov is the biggest glider centre in Western Bohemia. It was founded at the beginning of the 20th century. It is situated about 5 km SE of Pilsen. Unfortunately most of AFIS dispatchers don’t speak English. Do not worry about this - they have a grassy runway 26/08 with southern circuits, you may join downwind, speak English and carefully watch other traffic, which is usually not so heavy (except if it isn't the weekend).
Because the airport is situated in MCTR Line, all arrivals must be coordinated with Line – Tower on frequency 121,275 MHz. Do not be afraid, tell them your entering position and that you would like to continue to Letkov airport. You can refuel with AVGAS or MOGAS there. You can leave your aircraft there, but only outside because hangar space is hopelessly full. You can have coffee or a snack in a small aerobar. Taxis from the airport to Pilsen cost about 13 €.
Slovakia has a lot of great places to visit. Here is the top 3 places you would be interested in:
200 meters above the surrounding land, located on a dolomite rock, lies one of the most precious cultural monuments – Spiš Castle (Spišský hrad). It is situated in a region called Spiš, above the town of Spišské podhradie and the village Žehra. It is evidence of a huge architectural development from the 12th to 18th century and with its area of 41426 m2 – one of the largest castles in Central Europe.
History of the castle is very rich. It was built in the 12th century and soon became a political, administrative, economical and cultural centre of Szepes county. Through its history it had many owners such as Hungarian kings, the Szapolyai family, the Thurzo family, the Csaky family. Since 1945 Spiš Castle is owned by Slovakia.
The nearest airport to Spiš Castle is Poprad/Tatry (TAT/LZTT) airport. It is just 50 km (32 miles) away.
Airport Data: International, Poprad 5km (3miles), Position 49°04´25"N, 020°14´28"E, Elevation 718m (2 355ft), Operating hours Mon-Fri 07:15-22:00 Sat-Sun 07:15-1900, 1 Passenger Terminal, 4 Aircraft Stands.
Poprad-Tatry, AS, Na Letisko 100, SK-058 98 Poprad
Tel: (Operations) +421 (0)52 776 3875
Customs Tel: +421 (0)952 7142 463
Fax: +421 (0)52 7142 555
Customs Hours: Mon-Fri 07.15-22.00 Sat-Sun 07.15-19.00 Sun
Airfield Data: Fire Category 5/7
Emergency Services: Emergency medical service helicopter is based at the airport
Navigational Aids: ILS CAT.1, VOR/DME, 4NDB, TAR/SRE
Airfield Restrictions: Handling services & refuelling from 19:00-07:15 LT on request only
Noise Restrictions: None
Aircraft Maintenance: Minor repairs only
Refuelling: Jet A1 contact (52) 776 3875
Runway 1: Heading 09/27, 2 600m (8 530ft), 33/R/A/X/T, ICAO Cat. 4C, Aircraft size max: IL-76 MD, Rwy 09, ILS NIL, Lighting: LIM,SALS, Rwy 27, ILS CAT 1, Lighting: LIH/LIM, LAS 27 ALPHA-ATA incl flash.
Dobšinská Ice Cave (Dobšinská ľadová jaskyňa) is an amazing ice cave in Slovakia, situated close to the mining town of Dobšiná, in Slovak Paradise mountains, and 130 meters above the river Hnilec. Total length of the cave is 1483 meters (according to some sources – 1232 meters), of which 515 meters are open to public from May to September. It is included in the UNESCO World Heritage list as a part of Caves of Aggtelek Karst and Slovak Karst site. The cave was discovered by a royal mining engineer Eugen Ruffinyi in 1870. Before that, the entrance was known as Cold Hole (Studená diera). Just one year after the discovery it was opened to the public. By installing electricity already in 1887 it became the first electrically lit cave in Europe.
The cave descends from the entrance which is situated in the northern part of the peak Duča. The average temperature is around 0°C. The interior cools off during the winter. Also during the summer the warm air cannot fall down to the cave.
The nearest airport to Dobšinská Ice Cave is also Poprad/Tatry (TAT/LZTT) airport. It is only 35 km (22 miles) away from it. You can check the detailed information about this airport above.
Bratislava - the most cosmopolitan and accessible city
Bratislava is filled with historic sites and the energy of a large student population, Bratislava has the best restaurants, cafes, and entertainment – including high-brow culture such as operas and symphonies, folk music and dance and international pop culture.
Bratislava is probably the least typical place in the whole country! So be sure to take some extra time to see at least one other town in addition to the capital city.
Bratislava - M R Stefanik Airport (BTS/LZIB)
Airport Data: International, Bratislava 9km (5miles), Position 48°10´13"N, 017°12´46"E, Elevation 133m (436ft), 24 hours, 1 Passenger Terminal, 1 Cargo Terminal, 27 Aircraft Stands.
Bratislava Airport, Slovakia, Letisko M.R. Stefanik -, Airport Bratislava, A.S (BTS), SK-823 11 Bratislava 21, Slovak Republic
Tel: (Director, Operations) +421 (0)2 3303 3003, +421 (0)2 4333 8840
Customs Tel: +421 (0)2 4857 6915
Customs Hours: 24 hours
Airfield Data: 2 Runways, Fire Category 7-8
Navigational Aids: VOR-DME, NDB
Airfield Restrictions: No
Noise Restrictions: CAT III Only (Annex 16)
Runway 1: Heading 13/31, 3 190m (10 465ft), 50/R/B/X/T, ICAO Cat. IIIA, Aircraft size max: B747-400, ILS.
Runway 2: Heading 04/22, 2 900m (9 514ft), 54/R/B/X/T, ICAO Cat. I, Aircraft size max: B747-400, ILS.
Prices vary on quality of services rendered. Food and drink prices are quite pleasantly low - for the price that you pay for Curry Wurst in Berlin you can get here a complete dinner. For example, Pilsner beer cost less then 1 €. Many clubs with live music, discotheques or pubs are opened all hours. Czechia and Slovak people are friendly and most of them speak English or German.
Arriving into Czechia
Arriving to Czechia must be via an Airport of Entry (AOE) where customs and passport services are available.
Exemption from arriving at an AOE may be granted by the Czechia Civil Aviation of the Ministry of Transport and Communications. The application for an exemption shall be submitted no later than seven working days before the date of the intended flight to:
Ministry of Transport and Communications,
Federal Civil Aviation Administration,
Nábřeží Ludvíka Svobody 12,
P.O. Box 9,
110 15 Prague 1
Departing from Czechia
Permission for departure from Czechia is issued by:
Civil Aviation Authority of Czechia
Ruzyně Airport
160 08 Prague
Tel.: +420 220 111 657
fa +420 220 561 823
All Czechia and foreign aircraft that are not state aircraft must have prescribed liability insurance coverage with respect to damage to passengers, their baggage and to cargo, and damage to third parties.
Slot Coordinated Airports
Prague Ruzyně Airport is a coordinated airport. Therefore, it is necessary for an air carrier to have slots allocated by a coordinator for landing/take-off (except for extremely urgent cases).
Prior permission is not required for nonscheduled commercial aircraft (overflying or landing for noncommercial purposes) or private aircraft (with maximum take-off weight of 12,500 lbs and carrying no more than six passengers) overflying or landing for commercial or noncommercial purposes. Those must only provide at least 24-hour advance notice to the Air Navigation Service.
Do not be afraid of flying in Czechia. There are a lot of interesting landscapes with mountains, rivers, romantic castles and ruins, many airports and of course, airspace restrictions.
Although all necessary information like NOTAMS, METAR/TAF, airports, charts and plates can be obtained from the RocketRoute, here are a few links which you also can check for additional information:
Czechia Civil Aviation Authority
Currency calculator:
Air Navigation Services Provider