Introducing the ability to explicitly dictate waypoints and airways to be adhered to while route planning. This is a very flexible tool, especially for instances such as conflict zones, permit requirements and preferred route structures.
For example, see below for how we will use this feature to avoid the country of Mali on a flight from Portugal to South Africa.
How it works?
After specifying the airports of departure and destination, click on the 'Autoroute Settings' section to expand it.
In the field called 'Route Via (comma separated)' specify a route segment in this form:
airway-waypoint - is an impossible format, because an airway starting point must always be provided.
To show how this feature works, we will plan a route from LPPT to FACT, avoiding Mali.
In the first screenshot, you can see a route going over the country of Mali, which is not the best option in the light of recent events in this country.
To avoid the risky terrain, we have specified the following route segments to be used for this routing: TMS, KAN UA604 MF. See the screenshot below:
RocketRoute will also send you an error message if you enter a non-valid route segment.
Our team will be glad to receive any of your feedback after you have tried the new feature, please, send it to