Aviation News & Information | RocketRoute

RocketRoute Featured in Pilot und Flugzeug

Written by Nick Barron | Jan 28, 2015 7:18:15 PM

In the January 2015 edition we were interested to see RocketRoute flight logs completed by the author.

The logs showed leg times and speeds that were accurate to actual data entered by the pilot.


RocketRoute has a global weather model that is used to prepare winds aloft data including wind speed, direction and temperature. This is a 5 day forecast that is updated every 6 hours.

Flight briefing packs are re-generated hourly before the flight take-off time, then frozen afterwards to provide an accurate digital record of the final flight log and briefing pack provided to the crew.

If you have further feedback you would like to share about RocketRoute simply email our technical team via support@rocketroute.com.